Right to Clean Environment
Report of the second webinar in ESG Webinar Series on Tackling Air Pollution focussed on Right to Clean Environment.
Read MoreReport of the second webinar in ESG Webinar Series on Tackling Air Pollution focussed on Right to Clean Environment.
Read More‘ESG Webinar Series on Tackling Air Pollution’ is a 4-part webinar series organised by ESG which will address pertinent questions relating to the deteriorating air quality in India and other places.
Read MoreReport of the first webinar in ESG Webinar Series on Tackling Air Pollution focussed on Role of Science, Public Health and Governance.
Read MoreESG invites you to a public workshop on:
“Reclaim and Turn Inclusive Bengaluru and its Blue-Green Commons” on Saturday, 4th February, 2023 at SCM House, 2nd Cross Road, CSI Compound, Mission Road, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Bengaluru, 01:30 pm to 07:00 pm.
Read MoreBengaluru witnessed torrential rains and floods that created a disastrous impact. As a result, a large part of #Bengaluru was underwater.
The New Indian Express spoke to experts to understand the cause and effect of this concerning issue.Experts go on to state that rapid construction, encroachment, and corruption are behind the crisis.
This public forum, organised by ESG, offers a platform for critical enquiries into the intersections of land, water, finance and
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Read MoreAn invitation to prepare a ground up assessment of planning and governance in Bengaluru metropolis by conducting a Citizen led Survey of the State of BBMP Wards.
Read MoreThe high levels of air pollution in Bengaluru is the outcome of serious failure in governance and investment in false solutions over time. A shift needed is to build awareness and develop solutions that can be locally understood and managed, are economically feasible, and socio-culturally just. There has to be a healthy marriage between science, law, economics and common sense in addressing this challenge, with an intergenerational perspective and ecocentric view. With such a resolve, it is possible for Bengaluru to beat air pollution and truly join the World Environment Day celebrations, not just for a day, but every day.
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