Environment Support Group


Responding to Vulnerable Communities and Voiceless Ecosystems

Community OutreachDisaster ResponseEnvironmental Decision MakingEnvironmental GovernanceEventsIssue in FocusPopularResearch in FocusRisk Assessment and MitigationSeminar & WorkshopsUrban Governance

Evolving a Participatory Climate Action Plan for Bengaluru

In January 2021, Mr. N Manjunatha Prasad, IAS, then Commissioner of Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), announced the decision to “support the implementation of the Paris Agreement” and to “commit the City of Bengaluru to develop and begin implementing a climate action plan (or series of plans) that will deliver action consistent with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.” In order to assist the metropolis in developing strategies aimed at meeting the Paris Agreement targets, Environment Support Group (ESG) initiated a webinar series to deliberate upon the steps needed to make the city more climate friendly. 

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BengaluruCampaignsEventsPublic Consultations

Consultation with Senior citizens to create a socially inclusive and decentralised climate action plan for Bengaluru!

Environment Support Group, in partnership with the Commonwealth Foundation, is conducting a series of discussions with various groups that are disproportionately affected by climate change. The aim is to create a socially inclusive and decentralised climate action plan for Bengaluru!

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Environmental Decision MakingEnvironmental GovernanceForestIssue in FocusIssue in PerspectivePopular

Indian Environment Ministry statement in Parliament confirms Forest Conservation Act (Amendment) Bill 2023 proposed against Constitutional norms

The contents of Forest Conservation Bill 2023 leave no room for doubt that its core purpose is to advance interests of extractive industries, to commercialise forests, and favour Indian and foreign corporates interested in exploiting forests, biodiversity, bioresources and associated traditional knowledge.

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CampaignsEconomic JusticeHandmade RevolutionPopular

Karnataka’s Weavers Thank Chief Minister Siddaramaiah for Unprecedented Budgetary Boost Accorded to the Handloom Sector

In an unprecedented step, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri. Siddaramaiah has  recognised the potential of the handloom sector to create green livelihood opportunities for thousands, and made exemplary provisions in the Karnataka Budget 2023-24 that he presented on 7th July 2023.

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CampaignsEnvironmental GovernancePopularUrban GovernanceUrban Governance ,Commons & Infrastructure

Appeal to the Government of Karnataka to institute processes that will ensure democratic governance & administration of the metropolitan area of Bengaluru

In the past, Karnataka has disastrously placed trust in task forces & vision groups consisting of elite personalities to imagine what is right for Bengaluru. These groups were undemocratic and contrary to the constitutional mandate. The present Congress Government has once again pushed for the formation of another such forum to seek views of the elite in shaping the future of the metropolis.

Please sign this petition to support our appeal to the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka demanding that the city be governed through a deeply democratic and inclusive process and that the Metropolitan Planning Committee be constituted immediately.

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ESG Workshop ReportsLakes

How to Protect Lakes and Raja Kaluves?

A webinar on Lake Conservation was conducted by ESG on 20th December 2022.  This session was mainly organised to benefit activists, researchers, public officials and also concerned citizens to explain how to use judicial orders, government orders and various other laws relating to lakes for the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of tank/lakes, ponds, raja kaluves, and such other water commons.  

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Biodiversity & BiopiracyCampaignsESG Opinion

Protecting Brinjal from piracy at a time when MoEF&CC dilutes biodiversity laws

The Supreme Court’s decision restoring ESG’s PIL comes at a time when the world is preparing to address grave biodiversity losses due to trade, biopiracy, over extraction and also due to climate change as part of the 15th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity being held in Montreal 7th to 19th, December, 2022.

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Biodiversity & BiopiracyCampaignsWebinars

Seed Activism: Patent Politics and Litigation in the Global South

The bedrock of sustainable human futures is in conserving biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge, and ensuring local community’s right to seed sovereignty and seed purity is protected. A variety of corporate and state efforts, however, are systematically accessing these bioresources without priorly informing and seeking permission from communities who have conserved these resources for millenia, and then turning them into corporatised, industrialised, commodified, chemicalised, transgenic and proprietary products.

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CommonsFeatured ArticlesMediaUrbanUrban Forestry

Concrete galore: The transformation of Bengaluru

The concretising didn’t stop with roads; like a cancer it spread across to pavements, as paved regions into parks, and even into urban forests like Turahalli where, thankfully, public resistance stopped it. But the phenomenon is so widespread now, that it shows up in satellite imageries, and when it rains, the city floods in no time as there is simply no open ground for water to percolate. And in summer ‘heat islands’ result, desiccating what little greenery is left.

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AdvocacyBiodiversityCampaignsEnvironment & Forest Policy

MoEF&CC must stop destroying India’s progressive environment, forest and biodiversity protection jurisprudence

At a time when the United Nations General Assembly has finally passed a resolution making Right to Clean and Healthy Environment a Human Right, Indian Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change is doing everything to destroy India’s progressive environmental jurisprudence.

We invite you to endorse a statement demanding Indian Government must step back from its proposals to comprehensively dilute India’s and devastate India’s environmental laws. And it must stop yielding to corporate pressures and instead defend our Constitutional rights over our health, environment and our futures.

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