Environment Support Group

Search Results for: biopiracy

Biodiversity & BiopiracyCampaignsESG Opinion

Protecting Brinjal from piracy at a time when MoEF&CC dilutes biodiversity laws

The Supreme Court’s decision restoring ESG’s PIL comes at a time when the world is preparing to address grave biodiversity losses due to trade, biopiracy, over extraction and also due to climate change as part of the 15th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity being held in Montreal 7th to 19th, December, 2022.

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Biodiversity & BiopiracyCampaignsWebinars

Seed Activism: Patent Politics and Litigation in the Global South

The bedrock of sustainable human futures is in conserving biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge, and ensuring local community’s right to seed sovereignty and seed purity is protected. A variety of corporate and state efforts, however, are systematically accessing these bioresources without priorly informing and seeking permission from communities who have conserved these resources for millenia, and then turning them into corporatised, industrialised, commodified, chemicalised, transgenic and proprietary products.

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AdvocacyEnvironment & Forest PolicyOther Reports & DocumentsResources

Need for meaningful extensive review and debate on fundamental changes proposed to India’s Environment Protection Act, 1986 and related laws 

India’s environmental jurisprudence has been torn between the competing demands of prioritising environmental protection and securing economic progress.  While there are several judgements that speak to the need for balancing development with environmental priorities, it is not necessarily an exercise that can be easily rationalised.  There is overwhelming evidence in the pollution flowing in every river and lake across the country, in the extensive degradation across the Western Ghats and the Himalayas – resulting in catastrophic impacts on human settlements, in the breakdown of our cities every time it rains or when there is an unrelenting heat wave, and in commons that are extensively encroached, diverted and polluted, that the state of India’s environment is precariously hinged.  The damaging consequences of such extensive degradation are irreversible and will seriously impede the country’s socio-economic progress.

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EventsGovernance of Socio-Technical TransformationsPast EventsResearch

Governance of Socio Technical Transformations Project (GoST) Workshop, Bangalore, India

ESG is organising the India – GoST workshop on 14th January 2019 (Tuesday – full day). Prof. Sheila Jasanoff of Harvard University, who has undertaken pioneering research in STS, will participate along with her colleagues in the workshop, and set the tone for our day long conversations. We welcome you to join us.

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