Environment Support Group

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CommonsFeatured ArticlesMediaUrbanUrban Forestry

Concrete galore: The transformation of Bengaluru

The concretising didn’t stop with roads; like a cancer it spread across to pavements, as paved regions into parks, and even into urban forests like Turahalli where, thankfully, public resistance stopped it. But the phenomenon is so widespread now, that it shows up in satellite imageries, and when it rains, the city floods in no time as there is simply no open ground for water to percolate. And in summer ‘heat islands’ result, desiccating what little greenery is left.

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ESG OpinionFeatured ArticlesMedia

To beat air pollution, redesign Bengaluru’s action plan

The high levels of air pollution in Bengaluru is the outcome of serious failure in governance and investment in false solutions over time. A shift needed is to build awareness and develop solutions that can be locally understood and managed, are economically feasible, and socio-culturally just. There has to be a healthy marriage between science, law, economics and common sense in addressing this challenge, with an intergenerational perspective and ecocentric view. With such a resolve, it is possible for Bengaluru to beat air pollution and truly join the World Environment Day celebrations, not just for a day, but every day.

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