Environment Support Group
Press Releases

Late Nobel Laureate Prof. Elinor Ostrom Commended ESG’s Efforts To Advance Wise Use And Conservation Of Lakes In Karnataka

Ostroms said ESG’s Lakes Intiative “… is an important step towards securing public commons and could go a long way in extending water and food security to millions who are in critical need of the same”.

9 June 2012
Release: Ostrom Commends ESG’s Lakes Conservation Efforts
Ostrom’s Letter to the United Nations Commending ESG’s efforts

Elinor Ostrom


Days before she passed away, 2009 Nobel laureate Prof. Elinor Ostrom in a letter written to the Secretariat of the United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action “Water for Life” 2005-2015, commended Environment Support Group’s efforts “for effectively utilizing legal redressal mechanisms and eliciting appropriate responses from the judiciary and administration to protect, conserve, and wisely use Karnataka State’s 35,000 irrigation tanks (lakes) and their canal networks”. The letter acknowledges that “(t)he guidelines evolved to assist in this process are pragmatic as they acknowledge the importance of community centered, democratic, and ecologically viable interventions for managing watersheds and water resources”. Prof. Ostrom concludes that the initiative taken “… is an important step towards securing public commons and could go a long way in extending water and food security to millions who are in critical need of the same”.


We are grateful to late Prof. Ostrom for commending ongoing efforts of the Judiciary, the wide public, various public agencies and ESG in taking forward this initiative to secure our lakes and other commons for the benefit of present and future generations.


Leo F. Saldanha





Sunil Dutt Yadav

Advocate for ESG


Bhargavi S. Rao

Coordinator (Education)/Trustee



Mallesh K. R.

Field Coordinator/Administrator



Abhayraj Naik

Volunteer Researcher



About ESG: Environment Support Group is a small group committed researchers,lawyers and activists responding to various issues of environmental, social justice and governance concern. More details about the group may be accessed at: http://esgindia.org/about-us/esg-team.html

Donate to ESG: ESG relies on public support and your generous contributions to advance its various public interest initiatives. Details on how you can contribute can be accessed at: http://esgindia.org/about-us/what-you-can-do.html

2009 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences: Prof. Elinor Ostrom


Late Professor Elinor Ostrom was Indiana University Distinguished Professor, Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and Senior Research Director at The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. In 2009 Prof. Ostrom was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, an achievement that honors a lifetime of groundbreaking research, teaching, and scholarship. She is the first woman to win the prize in economics, which has been awarded since 1969. Prof. Ostrom was recognized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons.


Acknowledging her massive contributions to the theory of governance of the commons, the Academy had stated: “Elinor Ostrom has challenged the conventional wisdom that common property is poorly managed and should be either regulated by central authorities or privatized. Based on numerous studies of user-managed fish stocks, pastures, woods, lakes, and groundwater basins, Ostrom concludes that the outcomes are, more often than not, better than predicted by standard theories.”


More details about Prof. Ostrom may be accessed here: http://elinorostrom.indiana.edu/

campaigns,hasiru usiru,lakes,bangalore,conservation,Elinor Ostrom,ESG,karnataka,lakes,Nobel Laureate,wetlands,wise use,public commons

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