Environment Justice Matters Vol. 4 Issue 02
This issue focuses on threats to blue-green commons such as lakes, rivers, parks and more, environmental impact of development, speculations about clean energy and carbon emissions.
Read MoreThis issue focuses on threats to blue-green commons such as lakes, rivers, parks and more, environmental impact of development, speculations about clean energy and carbon emissions.
Read MoreRead the report of a workshop ESG organised to introspect how Bengaluru metropolis’ blue green commons can be reclaimed & transformed into healthy, sylvan, inclusive and accessible spaces.
Read MoreESG invites you to a public workshop on:
“Reclaim and Turn Inclusive Bengaluru and its Blue-Green Commons” on Saturday, 4th February, 2023 at SCM House, 2nd Cross Road, CSI Compound, Mission Road, Sampangi Rama Nagar, Bengaluru, 01:30 pm to 07:00 pm.
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