Transformations to Sustainability: Governance of Sociotechnical Transformations
During 2018-2022, including the period when COVID pandemic derailed the world, Environment Support Group worked with leading thought leaders and researchers of Harvard Kennedy School (USA), Helmholtz Institute (Germany), Science Policy Research Unit of University of Sussex (UK) and Africa Centre for Technology Studies (Kenya) in interrogating major developments in the areas of energy, food and urbanisation, in a project entitled Governance of Sociotechnical Transformations (GoST). The idea was to discover pathways of Transformations to Sustainability in collaboration, as part of a global effort supported by Belmont Forum, International Science Council, Norface and National Science Foundation.
The key findings from this collaboration are written in multiple forms and are accessible at:
For a note on the India focus of the study, please see at: : Notes For The India Workshop Of Governance Of Socio Technical Transformation Project (GoST); Interrogating Governance And Financial Implications Of ‘Smart Cities’ : Workshop; and Professor Sheila Jasanoff’s Interview With DH- “Deciphering The Nexus Of Science, Technology And Society”.
A quick capture of key learnings is now accessible as a video at:
We invite you to review this material and use it as appropriate in your efforts to rescue this living planet from brinkmanship.
Warm regards and best wishes of Dasara.
Leo Saldanha and Bhargavi Rao
On behalf of GoST India Team and ESG