Week 5: Securing Biodiversity Rich, Healthy, Socially Inclusiveand Economically Viable Commons in Bengaluru
Date: 19th April 2021, Monday, 6:00 PM IST on Zoom.
Pls note: Registration is not required if you have already enrolled for the webinar series.
Where one lives and how, defines access to sufficient and qualitatively rich space, and resilience to climate change impacts. Encroachment of public commons, be they streets, parks and open spaces, even forests and lakes, is deteriorating quality of life, especially for the poor. The loss of greenery across the metropolis has been catastrophic. Livelihoods associated with public spaces, say of street vendors, are threatened increasingly, while an evolving urban aesthetic fails to comprehend urban forests and controversially turns them into tree parks. Densely crowded, polluted, non-inclusive and stress-inducing concretised spaces are making neighbourhoods increasingly vulnerable to various impacts of climate change such as flooding and the ‘heat island’ effect. How, into the future, can the metropolis secure biodiversity rich, healthy and economically viable spaces for all?