An Archive of K. P. Sasi’s Creativity and Passion for Justice

This is a compilation of K.P. Sasi’s work… and we will keep building this as we find more material

Living in Fear (1986, 33 min)
‘Living in Fear’ is a documentary on Indian Rare Earths Ltd., an undertaking of the Department of Atomic Energy. In its aim to produce thorium, it is causing grave harm to the local people due to the dangerous effects of radiation.
A Valley Refuses to Die (1988, 50 min)
‘A Valley Refuses to Die’ is a documentary on the Narmada dams and the movements by local farmers and adivasi against it. It highlights the social and environmental dangers of the dams and the strength of protest.

In the Name of Medicine (1988, 24 min)
‘In the Name of Medicine’ is a documentary film about the banned pharmaceutical drugs in India. It sheds light on how the pharmaceutical production industry has anti-people practices and the grave health hazards to the people in India.
Ilayum mullum (1993, 86 min)
‘Ilayum mullum’, also known as ‘Leaves and Thorns’ is a feature film that seeks to spread awareness on the psychological and physical abuse that women in Kerala endure. It documents the everyday violence and suffering they faced

The Wings of Kokkrebellur (1994, 42 min)
‘The Wings of Kokkrebellur’ (1994, 42 min) is a film that aims to bring attention to the villagers of Kokkrebellur, Karnataka who have consistently protected storks and pelicans. Their traditional values of conservation are highlighted in this film. (42 minutes)
Ek Chingari ki Khoj mein (1997, 23 min)
‘Ek Chingari ki Khoj mein’ is a film that makes the audience question the values associated with dowry. The story is told through the perspectives of two women: one who succumbs to the pressures of the system and the other who tries to surmount them.

Ek Alag Mausam (1998, 119 min)
‘Ek Alag Mausam’ is a feature film that brings to light the grave human rights violations that have been endured by HIV/AIDS survivors. It fights to recognise them as human beings and treat them with respect and dignity.
Voices from a Disaster (2001, 28 min)
‘Voices from a Disaster’ is a documentary on the effects of the Gujarat Earthquake. It is told through various testimonies of local people who expressed their concerns to the Indian People’s Tribunal (IPT).

Development at Gunpoint (2002, 37 min)
‘Development at Gunpoint’ is a documentary that observes the struggles of adivasis or tribal communities living in Kashipur who have been negatively impacted by bauxite mining. It is a great health hazard and also threatens their homes.
The Source of Life for Sale (2004, 60 min)
‘The Source of Life for Sale’ is a documentary that analyses the grave impact of privatisation of water bodies in India. Local people are barred from accessing water that is part of the commons. Their livelihoods and daily lifestyle are threatened by the government selling lakes to private entities.

America, America (2005, 4 min)
‘America, America’ is a music-video documentary that is satirical in nature yet depicts the severity of America’s role in the conflicts around the world. It questions the very meaning behind America’s values of peace and liberty.
Redefining Peace- Women Lead the Way (2005, 60 min)
‘Redefining Peace- Women Lead the Way’ (2005, 60 min) is a documentary celebrating the achievements of some of the extraordinary women who were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize from India.

The Time After Tsunami (2005, 37 min)
‘The Time After Tsunami’ is a film that records the testimonials of the survivors of the deadly tsunami that struck the coast of southern India in 2004. It exposes the utter lack of disaster preparedness on the part of the Indian government. Yet, the film also captures the extraordinary, undying perseverance of the countless survivors.
If It Rains Again (2007, 13 min)
‘If It Rains Again’ is a documentary that brings out the agony of life in shelters in Tamil Nadu for survivors of the tsunami. Many of them still stay in temporary shelters without basic amenities and have to endure the constant threat of fire and rain.

Resisting Coastal Invasion (2007, 52 min)
‘Resisting Coastal Invasion’ is a documentary that seeks to bring about changes in the coastal laws. Coastal ecosystems and the customary rights of fishing communities over coastal areas are being severely eroded by developmental activities and market interests. Changes need to be brought in the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification in 1991, which is the only legislation that exists to protect their rights.
Gaon Chhodab Nahin (2008, 5 min)
‘Gaon Chhodab Nahin’ is a music-video-style documentary on the impacts of developmental projects on local people. The original or indigenous dwellers suffer as their loves and livelihood depend upon the very trees and water bodies that developmental projects are destroying.

Shh…Silence Please (2008)
‘Shh…Silence Please’ (2008) is a film that portrays the life of a journalist who fights against a chemical factory to reduce its environmental pollution. It is a silent film with a humorous tone, but greatly depicts the seriousness of harm to the environment.
Tsunami Rehabilitation: An Unfinished Business (2009, 46 min)
‘Tsunami Rehabilitation: An Unfinished Business’ is a documentary that highlights the failure of the government in rehabilitating survivors of tsunamis. It includes humanitarian workers and local communities and gives them an opportunity to express their stance on answers for improved rehabilitation.

A Climate Call from the Coast (2009, 13 min)
‘A Climate Call from the Coast’ is a documentary that sheds light on the impact of global warming on fishermen in Kerala. It speaks of the way the sea is encroaching upon more and more of their lands and the fish that are disappearing. The fishermen lament the burden of the climate change impacts they are being forced to carry despite their own low carbon footprint. They call for cleaner production processes and a chance to be involved in the relevant decision-making process.
Like Leaves in a Storm (2010, 31 min)
‘Like Leaves in a Storm’ is a documentary that seeks to spread awareness on the impacts of globalisation of the tea garden workers in India. They face continuous struggles, forced alienation and are marginalised.

Fabricated (2013, 94 min)
‘Fabricated’ is a documentary film on the corruption in the Indian legal system that denies many the justice they are entitled to. People who have rebelled against the system, one example being Abdul Nasar Maudany have been unjustly jailed for many years on fabricated charges. This documentary aims to bring awareness to such wrongs. 2016: ‘Voices from the Ruins- Kandhamal In search of justice’ (2016, 95 min) is a documentary film that sheds light on the mass violence against Christians in India in 2008. This documentary shows how the survivors are, to this day, struggling to receive justice, by giving a platform to express their concerns to the world.