Session on Green Politics in 2nd Indian Biodiversity Congress
11 December 2012 ;
Time: 9 am to 1 pm ;
Venue: J. N. Tata Hall, Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore
Background note to session
Environment Support Group is organising a session on Green Politics on 11th December 2012, 9 am to 1 pm, as part of the 2nd Indian Biodiversity Congress held at J. N. Tata Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
For more details of the Congress please visit:
Agenda for Session on Green Politics in Indian Biodiversity Congress
11th December 2012
J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
9.00 to 9.10 am
Mr. Leo F. Saldanha, Coordinator, Environment Support Group (Session Chairperson)
Welcome and Introduction of the Panel
9.10 am to 9.30 am
Dr. Vandana Shiva, Founder Director, Navdanya
Introductory Remarks on the Session Theme
9.30 am to 9.50 am
Dr. Vijay Chandru, CEO, Strand Genomics and Member of High Panel to Advise UNESCO Director General on Science and Technology for Development
Are Corporate Ambitions informed by Environmental Limits and Biodiversity Conservation concerns?
9.50 am to 10.10 am
Mr. K. S. Sugara, IFS, Member-Secretary, Karnataka Biodiversity Board
Chances for Conserving Biodiversity in a Climate of Weak Regulation
10.10 am to 10.30 am
Mr. R. Sridhar, Thanal and Save our Rice Campaign
Farmers Rights, Plant Breeders Rights and Questions of Food Security given increasing Commodification of Biodiversity
10.30 am to 10.50 am
Coffee/Tea Break
10.50 am to 11.10 am
Ms. Mallika Virdi, Mountain Farmer and former Sarpanch of Sarmoli Jainti Van Panchayat, Uttarkhand
Conserving Himalayan Biodiversity and Associated Livelihoods given massive landscape transformations
11.10 am to 11.30 am
Ms. Bhargavi S. Rao, Coordinator (Education), Environment Support Group
Rampant biopiracy in the context of rhetorical support for biodiversity conservation
11.30 to 11.50 pm
Mr. Ananth Hegde Ashishara, Chairman, Karnataka Western Ghats Task Force
Formulating Resilient Policies to Conserve and Protect Western Ghats
11.50 pm to 12.10 pm
Dr. P. J. Dilip Kumar, IFS (Retd.), Former Director General of Forests, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Do only Tigers matter to the Prime Minister?
12.10 pm to 12.30 pm
Mr. Basudev Acharya, MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture
Challenges in Regulating Biotechnology given its irreversible impacts on Biodiversity Conservation and Associated Livelihoods
12.30 pm to 1.00 pm
Indian Biodiversity Congress (IBC), the largest get together of scientists, conservationists, environmentalists, civil society groups and local communities concerned with biodiversity in India, is held once in two years, with the major objective to formulate a vision and alternate strategic plan for the conservation of biodiversity in the context of prevailing biodiversity loss and to make the people aware of the importance of biodiversity through expo and awareness programmes.
The Indian Biodiversity Expo (IBE 2012) organised as part of IBC 2012 showcases the rich biodiversity heritage of the country and presents a kaleidoscopic spectacle of the variety of life in India and its linkage with culture, food security, sustainable utilization of biodiversity and sustainable development paradigms.
community outreach,biodiversity,brinjal,education,events,biodiversity,biopiracy,corporate responsibility,Farmers,green politics,Himalayas,seed security,Western Ghats